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Whole Teacher® Workshops

Interactive and informative workshops explore simple strategies educators can use as fuel to prioritize their health and happiness.

Carefully crafted to...

Tailored to Your Needs

We offer 14 workshops that explore strategies to enhance every educator's well-being at school AND at home. Every workshop can be in-person or virtual.

1. The Spiral Effect: The Whole Teacher Impact on Self, Students, & School

This workshop examines how an educator’s well-being has a ripple effect on their professional and personal life. Through this lens, participants will be introduced to The Whole Teacher outlook, establish their personal why, and learn three wellness strategies they can implement immediately.  

2. A Day in the Life of a Whole Teacher 

This workshop explores realistic and simple strategies to enhance an educator's well-being on a typical day (this is personalized to your school’s schedule!). 

3. The Voices of Stress

This workshops examines how stress shows up in our lives in various ways. We explore simple, yet powerful strategies to stay on top of stress levels at school and at home.

4. Teaching With a Full Joy Tank

This workshop examines what we like to call our "joy tanks." Participants will gauge how full their joy tank is currently and explore simple strategies to fill it. We will also examine the powerful effect of the negativity bias and how it impacts educators.

5. Overcoming the Afternoon Slump with Nutrition

Our afternoon classes don't deserve drained energy and enthusiasm. Sometimes we feel like we can't help it, but we CAN! Educators have an accessible tool at their hands to overcome the dreaded afternoon slump: nutrition. We will explore realistic, yet purposeful snacks and lunches for the busy educator.

6. Movement Is Medicine

This powerful workshop encourages educators to get up and move (yes, even during the workshop!), and provides brainstorming time to include movement in a content lesson.

7. Rediscover Rejuvenating Relationships

We all know relationships are key to supportive, inspiring classrooms. But what other relationships are impacting the way we teach, the way we treat our students, and even the way we react? This workshop explores powerful strategies to examine the role of relationships in our lives. Also, we will participate in activities to encourage reflection on these relationships.

8. A Great Day Starts the Night Before

Education is one of the most physically and emotionally draining careers, so many of us are guilty of spending the evening doing the same habits that might actually be draining us more. This workshop will explore reframing how we view our evenings and provide strategies to create a rejuvenating evening routine.

9. Invite Calm, Not Chaos

This workshops explores tangible strategies to consistently and confidently feel calm, not chaotic, in our classrooms and at home.

10. Our Most Powerful Muscle: Our Mind

Our mind is our most powerful muscle, and our mindset determines everything about our days--our energy, our attitude, our reactions, our tolerance, etc. This workshop examines simple mindset shifts that have the power to significantly alter our day-to-day experiences.

11. Reignite the Creative Spark 

In the modern-world of education, unfortunately educators are feeling limited creatively due to the pressures of standardized testing. This workshop gives educators the space to reignite that creative spark professionally and personally.

12. Inspire Resilience Through the 4 C’s

In this workshop, we examine how confidence, control, connection, and care have a direct impact on how resilient we feel professionally and personally.

13. Fuel Your Best Year Yet: Wellness Practices for a New School Year

This workshop is perfect for the beginning of the school year. We explore tangible tips that educators can implement immediately to feel energetic and excited, fueling their best year yet.

14. Summer Wellness for the Relaxed Educator 

This workshop is perfect to host during the last few months of school. Educators will be equipped with realistic strategies to implement throughout the summer to ensure they completely rest and rejuvenate.

Community Workshops

When educators from local schools come together to discuss wellness, takeaways and insights can spread even further.

School workshops

There's nothing quite like engaging in-person! We make the most of our time together by prioritizing conversation, engaging in collaboration, and practicing the strategies we share together.

We offer virtual workshops as well.

Conference Workshops

Larger conference workshops allow for more diverse conversations, experiences, and insights.